Sonia Design

Sonia Design is Art direction & concept of Packaging, Objects, and Installations for trade fairs and points of sale, and is dedicated to the customization of products and environments for companies and individuals.

Sonia Design

I fix my gaze into the void and have already flown into my world where colors, sounds, and scents intertwine harmoniously, giving birth to something new, an expression of beauty and serenity.

What I have created is just a small part of the things I have seen, that I carry inside, that I have lived and dreamed.





A company is not just what it produces, but is primarily an expression of its values, represented by a brand and a relationship with customers who identify with them. This relationship is nurtured and grows through small gifts and everyday items that remind us of what we believe in and reflect our personality.



Each new collection requires a restyling and a recognizable and coherent graphic line, despite its variety, which takes shape in a multitude of elements that, when skillfully combined, result in packaging that is a unique and original creation while remaining true to the expression of the values and message that one wishes to convey.



Participating in a trade fair with a well-designed and well-maintained stand is essential for communicating effectively with customers and introducing them to your universe of images, colours, sounds, scents and flavours. Therefore, stand design is fundamental because it transforms a space into an engaging and memorable experience, where every decorative element contributes to creating a coherent and elegant atmosphere capable of captivating and involving the public.

Gift Baskets

Gift Baskets

Discover our Christmas 2023 offerings. Gift baskets in various sizes and compositions, perfect for a sweet Christmas thought. You can also customize the contents.

Gift Baskets